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House with exterior lighting
October 02, 2023

Tips On Texarkana Home Security Landscaping To Shield Your Home

Landscaping is a fantastic way to add beauty, function, and value to your property. But it will also have an impact on your home’s security. Explore these Texarkana home security landscaping suggestions and see how to make your home safer.

No. 1: Keep Your Yard Neat And Tidy

Does your yard convey the impression you want? A well-groomed landscape with a mowed lawn, clipped shrubs, and defined mulch beds tells potential thieves you’re mindful of your property. Conversely, neglected grass and weeds indicate you’re inattentive to your yard and may not put an emphasis on your home security either. Don’t convey the wrong image and make your residence more prone to criminal activity.

No. 2: Illuminate Your Texarkana Property

Darkness is preferred by prowlers because they would like to remain unseen. Don’t make things easier on them. Rather, incorporate several types of lighting throughout your landscape. You probably already use a porch light, but you ought to incorporate motion-detecting lights in certain places like your back door or near your garage. Try solar lights along a garden path and accent lights in front of retaining walls or trees. By doing so, you can cast light on potential hiding places while adding a distinctive aspect to your landscape. You might even set interior smart lights to turn on when motion is observed outdoors.

No. 3: Maintain A Clear Sightline

You need to be able to see all areas of your property from the interior. Keep shrubbery and other plants lower than three feet so you don’t obstruct your sightline. If you’re buying new plants at a nursery, read the label to find out the mature size. Generally, it’s best to stay away from hedges and more expansive vegetation, particularly around access points like garage doors.

No. 4: Keep A Close Watch With Surveillance Systems

Surveillance systems are one of the most powerful theft deterrents. Simply having them in plain view is enough to dissuade the majority of possible trespassers. Taking that into account, keep your camera conspicuous but elevated enough so it can't be tampered with. When you're at work on on vacation, you can review live video clips through your handy mobile security app. As an added safety measure, updates can be dispatched right to your phone if your devices discern questionable activity.

No. 5: Defensive Flora Adds A Layer To Your Texarkana Home Security Landscaping

Few burglars will try to navigate a thorny bush to access your first-floor window. You’ll have to choose plants appropriate for your climate, but you can go with rose bushes, dwarf bougainvillea, holly, and gooseberry bushes as defensive greenery. Just keep in mind, plants should be no more than three feet tall if placed next to windows, and if you have little ones, they may not be the right solution.

Bolster Your Safety-Focused Landscape With A Home Security System In Texarkana

A modern home defense system from Secure24 Alarm Systems is the right accompaniment to your Texarkana home security landscaping. Our comprehensive packages provide leading tools like video surveillance, home automation, and voice activation. In addition, our distinctive sign will look tremendous in your well-groomed yard. Dial (870) 705-5023 today and design a system to your home’s specific needs.